Week-Long Program Encouraged Children To Eat Healthier

Texas school teacher Roxana Salinas pioneered a recent program that encouraged students at the Dr. Rodriguez Elementary School to eat healthier.  The program was dubbed Eat4-Health and connected with over 700 children.  The program was launched based on the teacher’s concern that her students were not eating healthily.  She believed that if students learned the importance of eating nutritious food, they would make healthier choices.

Eat4 Health program took place over the course of one week and featured games and lessons that were geared towards encouraging children to eat more fruits and vegetables and also to become more physically active. Among the lessons was one that taught the students to swap French fries for carrots.

Taste testing of fruits and vegetables were made possible by the kind support of business partners such as TexaSweet Citrus Marketing, HEB, Chick-Fil-A and Hygeia.  The 4-H and Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension Program, United Health Care, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service were also instrumental in the program’s success.

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